The practicalities of moving abroad with young children can be off-putting and the logistics can often feel as prohibitive as the costs.
There is also stress for children, who, despite the excitement, will be understandably anxious about the new place they will call home.
Attending a bilingual school can help aliveate some of the stress on everyone involved.
Let’s take a look at what we consider to be the top five bilingual and international schools in the Bordeaux.
Assomption Sainte Clotilde Bordeaux
The Assomption Sainte Clotilde is a private establishment in Bordeaux with four levels: school, college, high school and BTS (What is a BTS?).
It includes a primary/elementary school, a collège (middle school), and a lycée (high/secondary school).
A bonus as your child or children can stay in the same school throughout their education.
The school uses the Cambridge English method to teach English in their bilingual course curriculum and focuses on oral and written comprehension and expression while providing a consistent correspondence with an English school for students.
Ages: Three years old to 18 years old
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 7:00pm
Address: 370 boulevard Wilson CS41734 33073 Bordeaux CEDEX / 9 rue Bel Orma 33073 Bordeaux CEDEX France
Phone number: +33 05 56 48 77 77
Website: assomption-bordeaux.com
Sainte-Marie Grand Lebrun
Like with Assomption Sainte Clotilde Bordeaux Sainte-Marie Grand Lebrun gives students the opportunity to stay in the same school system by offering a primary/elementary school, a collège (middle school), and a lycée (high/secondary school).
It provides lessons in English in first grade (CP) while also offering courses in Spanish, German, and Russian.
Once students reach middle and high school, they are able to continue with their English language classes while also being given the option of Latin and Ancient Greek.
Ages: Two years to 18 years old
Address: 164 avenue Charles de Gaulle – CS21642 33073 Bordeaux CEDEX France
Phone number: +33 05 56 08 32 13
Website: grandlebrun.com
Bordeaux International School (BIS)
Bordeaux International School is a private school with a preschool, a primary/elementary school, a collège (middle school), and a lycée (high/secondary school).
The school teaches in both French and English and encourages face-to-face interaction with pupils of different nationalities.
The school accepts new students throughout the academic year.
It also prepares students for British exams such as GCSEs with the additional option for students to prepare for an American high school diploma and SATs.
Ages: Three years old to 18 years old
Address: 252 rue de la Judaïque 33000 Bordeaux France
Phone number: +33 05 57 87 02 11
Website: bordeaux-school.com
Lycée François Magendie
Lycée François Magendie is renowned for its language and design programs and gives each student the opportunity to participate in multiple linguistic sections.
Languages on offer include English, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Russian, Latin, and Ancient Greek.
Lycée François Magendie also offers two OIB (What is the International Option Baccalaureate (OIB)?) sections: American and Spanish.
Ages: 14 years old to 18 years old
Address: 10 rue de Treuils 33000 Bordeaux France
Phone number: +33 05 57 81 61 50
Email: [email protected]
Website: magendie.net
La Petite École Bilingue Bordeaux
La Petite Ecole Bilingue Bordeaux, also known as the Stewart International School, is a preschool located in the centre of Bordeaux.
It offers an educational program in English for children aged between three and six years old.
Courses are taught by English speakers and the school is opening a primary/elementary section in September of 2020!
Ages: Two years old to six years old
Address: 33 bis Cours de la Martinique 33000 Bordeaux
Phone number: +33 06 82 65 90 47
Email: [email protected]
website: ecolebilinguebordeaux.com
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